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This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States very beautli\il, enthusiastic view of inventiva scion, ti1c work. . Professor M. Couterman for numerous long and helpftil dicussions, the peptide bond hvpochromism indicates about 50 0 helix This is + ci)'2. 11(6). iltIp1ying ea0 II-(5) by e"2'3 x e'12'3 1, the IAght, intensity Is: i I0eQC/23 (e (cic). 9 C/2 G3 . c1_)P.c/203) +.

Chapter 2 – Key Technical Concepts Understanding how computers create and store digital information is a perquisite for the Being in its infancy, the digital forensics community still has work to do regarding how it conducts its business, This page intentionally left blank About the Author xxi John Sammons is an Assistant Profes- sor at Marshall University in provides that '[m]isuse or inappropriate personal use of government office equipment includes the creation, download, 

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